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AlertMD Further Expands Presence in Texas

Texas Tech University Health Science Center in El Paso, TX recently joined AlertMD to streamline their workflows with some of our key features.

  1. Automatic consult notifications when such order is entered in the chart
  2. PCP notifications of admissions/discharges
  3. Simplified patient assignment and transition of call schedule
  4. Pro fee charge capture
  5. Post discharge care coordination
  6. Quick and easy signout

TTUHSC – El Paso will benefit from many of these workflows, optimization and more provided by AlertMD, and you can too. We help deliver a 7-16% increase in professional fee revenue and a nine day acceleration in cash flow. Our goal is to reduce billing time and make it easier for you to focus on the patient instead of paperwork.

AlertMD also offers several customizable, real-time, mobile alerts that are timely and actionable. Contact Badri Narasimhan at [email protected] for a 20-min webinar to learn more about what we can do to save you money and make your practice more efficient.

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.

Texas Tech University Health Science Center

AlertMD helps deliver a 7-16% increase in pro fee revenue and a 9 day acceleration in cash flow. We help reduce medical experience and we make it easier for you to focus on the patient instead of paperwork.

Benefit from several customizable, real-time, mobile alerts that are timely and actionable.

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.

Automating Work Flows Made Easy

Renaissance Medical Group joins the AlertMD famility to take advantage of our new features to automate their workflows.

AlertMD grabs the note the second you sign it, publishes it on your app, syncs your problem list with the hospital chart, reminds you to enter a charge, tracks your productivity, and even provides benchmark to track your billing usage – all automatically!

We are expanding to serve your patient base via CareLantern – our patient app for full risk patients, care navigation via a mobile-friendly platform and more. We are also coming soon to an ambulance near you. AlertMD strives to serve you and your patients at every step of the way.

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.

AlertMD Keeps Innovating with Stroke/STEMI module, in-app notes, labs, orders, and more!

AlertMD is set to release its Stroke/STEMI quality module, in-app notes, labs, orders and more.

The new Stroke/STEMI module enables you to see a real-time dashboard of door-to-balloon and TPA time. Your nurses can now push a single button to alert the Stroke/STEMI response team, measure variances, and escalate to other important parties. This can significantly reduce response time, enhancing the outcomes of time critical stroke and STEMI interventions.

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.

New Clients Keep Coming! Columbus Inpatient Care pick AlertMD!

Columbus Inpatient Care Inc in Columbus, OH pick AlertMD to make their inpatient rounding, communication and care coordination more efficient.

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.

AlertMD Keeps Growing

AlertMD announces new hospital medicine group Kare Hospital Medicine, LLC to adopt AlertMD to streamline workflows.

AlertMD is expanding to serve your patient base via CareLantern – our patient app for full risk patients, care navigation via a mobile-friendly platform and more.

We monitor and insure follow up appointments are scheduled post-discharge. You can benefit from several customizable, real-time, mobile alerts that are timely and actionable.

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.

Chicago-land Risk-Based Health Care Joins AlertMD

AlertMD improves care coordination in the Chicago market for JenCare by sending their providers notifications when their patients are admitted to hospitals.

Are your patients at financial risk to your organization showing up at area EDs? AlertMD can help coordinate their care better by notifying case managers, care coordinators and more. We can help attribute your patients to you at the ED. In addition, when such a patient is admitted to the hospital or discharged, we will keep the case managers up-to-date.

If you take risk, inquire to find out what other solutions we have for you and your clinically integrated network (CIN). For example: our admission/discharge notifications, abnormal lab notifications, readmission notifications, in-network referral solutions, Stroke/STEMI care coordination for EMTs and more.

Innovation never stops! It is our opinion that the best charge capture app is the one where no one logs in! - AlertMD has now completely automated charge capture – complete automation as in – the provider does not even login.

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.

AlertMD Reveals New Client and New Product

AlertMD announces Vascular & Interventional Professionals as a new client!

For more information, contact [email protected] for a 20-minute webinar to learn more.


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